ARTist in Residence 2023 CK ZAMEK Poznań

Happy to share that I am an ARTIST IN RESEIDENCE in CK ZAMEK Poznań in 2023. I am at that moment doing my first ‘studio’ visit and giving shape to the project. I am focusing on collecting and ordering video-materials from underwater dance and also starting to collect information about urban water culture (swimming, cold bathing, water politics of cities and comparison between mostly Poland and Germany in this regard).

Thursday 23.02.2023 18.30 in Hall in CK Zamek

meeting with me and some talk about all that water topics

Saturday 25.02.2023 in CityZen Pool 13.30 – 15.30

water dance workshops

Both events – free entry.

Thank you for coming and following my research on the website and Instagram.


Have questions?
Contact me!